Aegon Targaryen is the New Joffrey Who Fans Are Loving to Hate
Aaren Gimenez
Aegon Targaryen is the New Joffrey Who Fans Are Loving to Hate
Aegon Targaryen, now King Aegon II (Tom Glynn-Carney) could never really compete for the title of the most evil character on House of the Dragon, thanks to pettiness of his bad deeds. 
Henry Cavill Would Be Perfect in HotD Season 2, And This Fan Art Proves It
Thomas Pritchard
Henry Cavill Would Be Perfect in HotD Season 2, And This Fan Art Proves It
It looks like the "Henry-Cavill-Would-Make-a-Perfect…" trend will go on forever. 
HotD's Most Uncomfortable Aegon Scene Actually Makes Sense Story-Wise
Louise Everitt
HotD's Most Uncomfortable Aegon Scene Actually Makes Sense Story-Wise
It's safe to assume that young Aegon has probably graced this show with its most cringeworthy scene.
Daemyra May Be the Best HotD Team, But The Relationship is Still Toxic
Aaren Gimenez
Daemyra May Be the Best HotD Team, But The Relationship is Still Toxic
You might think that after Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith) had shown his true nature in the finale of House of the Dragon he would lose much of his fandom, or at least the part which genuinely considered him and Queen Rhaenyra (Emma D'Arcy) a perfect pair. But apparently you would be thinking wrong.
House of the Dragon Plot Hole Makes Battle Scenes Completely Ridiculous
Lee Jevon
House of the Dragon Plot Hole Makes Battle Scenes Completely Ridiculous
House of the Dragon was well received and generally considered good quality viewing. And let's face it, there were some epic battle scenes – Daemon, I'm looking at your heroics at the end of episode 3 here!
General Hospital Needs to Do a Crazy Number of Episodes a Week to Stay Profitable
Tatiana Santos
General Hospital Needs to Do a Crazy Number of Episodes a Week to Stay Profitable
Not all networks can afford to spend millions, if not tens of millions, of dollars to shoot a single episode of a show (yes, Stranger Things and House of the Dragon, we are looking at you). 
Emma D'Arcy With Long Hair Will Change How You See Rhaenyra Completely
Lee Jevon
Emma D'Arcy With Long Hair Will Change How You See Rhaenyra Completely
It's sad but true that the number of derogatory comments about (and directed at) Emma D'Arcy for their portrayal of Rhaenyra Targaryen would almost certainly have been lower if they had the long hair we see in the photos of one of their previous performances.
Stranger Things 4 Had A Truly Ridiculous Per-Episode Budget
Aaren Gimenez
Stranger Things 4 Had A Truly Ridiculous Per-Episode Budget
The fourth season of Netflix's Stranger Things was finally released in May-July of this year, ending a more than three-year hiatus since the previous season of the show. 
HotD Pairing You Never Thought Could Be a Thing... Is a Thing
Louise Everitt
HotD Pairing You Never Thought Could Be a Thing... Is a Thing
If you thought the couples on this show could not get any worse, well...
Emilia Clarke is Still Not Over the Fact Jon Snow Got Away With Murder
Aaren Gimenez
Emilia Clarke is Still Not Over the Fact Jon Snow Got Away With Murder
The finale of Game of Thrones was divisive, to put it mildly.
Regé-Jean Page is Fine With the Duke of Hastings Possible Recast on Bridgerton
Harley Houghton
Regé-Jean Page is Fine With the Duke of Hastings Possible Recast on Bridgerton
Bridgerton is one of those shows that seemed to pop up out of almost nowhere to become a smash hit with critics and fans alike. And no small part of the show's success is owing to its wonderful array of characters, portrayed by such gifted actors. 
Will Daemon Targaryen Get Greyscale in House of the Dragon Season 2?
Aaren Gimenez
Will Daemon Targaryen Get Greyscale in House of the Dragon Season 2?
In the world of Westeros, greyscale is a disease that resembles super leprosy. It is sometimes fatal, leaving the flesh stiff and dead, cracked like stone, and often resulting in hideous scarring. 
5 Reasons Netflix's Wednesday is Actually Better Than 90s Movies
Louise Everitt
5 Reasons Netflix's Wednesday is Actually Better Than 90s Movies
Or, at least, a little more interesting.  
House of the Dragon Really Failed Vermax, Turning Him Into an Adorable Mess
Louise Everitt
House of the Dragon Really Failed Vermax, Turning Him Into an Adorable Mess
House of the Dragon is often praised for its rather brilliant design of the dragons, but there's one winged beast the show somewhat failed, apparently.
Who Will Be the Last Living Targaryen in House of the Dragon?
Lee Jevon
Who Will Be the Last Living Targaryen in House of the Dragon?
In season 1 of House of the Dragon, we saw that the Targaryen dynasty, while somewhat at odds with itself, is at least looking likely to rule for many years to come. Indeed, the family retained the Iron Throne for the best part of 300 years. 
Reddit Picks a Favorite HotD Dragon, And the Results Are Not Surprising At All
Louise Everitt
Reddit Picks a Favorite HotD Dragon, And the Results Are Not Surprising At All
Your favorite is probably winning.
Is the Night King one of the Targaryens in Game of Thrones?
Aaren Gimenez
Is the Night King one of the Targaryens in Game of Thrones?
If there's one thing the Internet has no shortage of, it's outlandish fan theories. And one such theory that pops up from time to time is that the Night King of Game of Thrones is a Targaryen. 
Rings of Power Season 2 Might Redeem the Show, But Will Anyone Notice?
Dan Bentley
Rings of Power Season 2 Might Redeem the Show, But Will Anyone Notice?
Rings of Power may have begun to a rocky start, but with another planned four seasons to go, the series still has the opportunity to redeem itself. 
A Hidden Meaning in HotD Episode 8 Dinner Scene You Probably Didn't Notice
Aaren Gimenez
A Hidden Meaning in HotD Episode 8 Dinner Scene You Probably Didn't Notice
The dinner scene in House of the Dragon episode 8, The Lord of the Tides, is one of the key scenes of Season 1, and one of the most tragic. 
5 Harry Potter Spinoff Ideas That Just Might Resurrect the Franchise
Louise Everitt
5 Harry Potter Spinoff Ideas That Just Might Resurrect the Franchise
If Warner Bros. is so keen on delivering more Harry Potter content, they could at least listen to the best ideas from the fans and get it right.