House of the Dragon Axed One of The Most Important Scenes in the Finale
Louise Everitt
House of the Dragon Axed One of The Most Important Scenes in the Finale
We all demand justice for Baela Velaryon.
All House of the Dragon Scenes That Were Removed From Final Cut
Louise Everitt
All House of the Dragon Scenes That Were Removed From Final Cut
Be careful: you might feel the urge to storm the HBO headquarters and demand the release after reading this.
Is Daenerys' Drogon Bigger Than House of the Dragon's Vhagar?
Louise Everitt
Is Daenerys' Drogon Bigger Than House of the Dragon's Vhagar?
Size is not the most important thing about dragons, but keeping track of how dragons are different from each other can be hard sometimes.
5 Hilarious Reactions Fans Had to Vhagar Going Rogue
Louise Everitt
5 Hilarious Reactions Fans Had to Vhagar Going Rogue
Don't get us wrong: the scene was tragic. But the way fans are now treating Vhagar is just priceless.
House of the Dragon Pace Mistake Already Ruining Season 2
Louise Everitt
House of the Dragon Pace Mistake Already Ruining Season 2
Much to the delight of House of the Dragon fans the showrunner has promised some action along the lines of Game of Thrones in Season 2.
Who is Emily Carey's Girlfriend?
Louise Everitt
Who is Emily Carey's Girlfriend?
Yes, if you were getting ready to shoot your shot, you might want to slow down, as the actress behind young Alicent Hightower is already taken. 
The One House of the Dragon Scene Even Matt Smith Found "Icky"
Lee Jevon
The One House of the Dragon Scene Even Matt Smith Found "Icky"
If you thought you found some scenes in House of the Dragon a bit "icky", spare a thought for the actors involved. 
Was House of the Dragon Too Slow or Disorientingly Fast After All?
Tatiana Santos
Was House of the Dragon Too Slow or Disorientingly Fast After All?
The HBO TV show has left us split yet again. 
House of the Dragon Biggest Clue is Hidden In Aemond's Missing Eye
Tatiana Santos
House of the Dragon Biggest Clue is Hidden In Aemond's Missing Eye
Stay back, he's got a blue eye!
Troubling Daemon-Rhaenyra Finale Scene is In Fact Not As Surprising As You Thought
Louise Everitt
Troubling Daemon-Rhaenyra Finale Scene is In Fact Not As Surprising As You Thought
It's Daemon Targaryen we're talking about — not a rainbow pony.
10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Aemond's Epic Screwup
Louise Everitt
10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Aemond's Epic Screwup
Because yes, he could not have possibly made the situation worse.
House of the Dragon Finale Repeats an Already Familiar Mistake
Aaren Gimenez
House of the Dragon Finale Repeats an Already Familiar Mistake
The finale of House of the Dragon Season 1 featured what many fans expected and waited for – the beginning of the open civil war, and the first dragon fight of the show. 
The Rings of Power is a Prime Example of a Very Disturbing Trend
Tatiana Santos
The Rings of Power is a Prime Example of a Very Disturbing Trend
The finale of The Rings of Power Season 1 confirmed the prevalent fan theory of Halbrand, whose adventures with Galadriel we have watched for most of the season, being a form of Sauron, the big bad of the whole Middle-Earth's setting and the enemy whom Galadriel was trying to pursue for 8 episodes. 
House of the Dragon Season 1 is Nothing More Than a Build Up to Real Fun
Tatiana Santos
House of the Dragon Season 1 is Nothing More Than a Build Up to Real Fun
HBO's House of the Dragon achieved a substantial success and earned interest of audience, obvious all over the Internet. 
You Should Be Thanking Matt Smith for The Most Intense HoTD Finale Moment
Louise Everitt
You Should Be Thanking Matt Smith for The Most Intense HoTD Finale Moment
House of the Dragon finale truly sent shivers down everyone's spines — and look who's behind it.
You Had One Job: A Book Quote That Could've Made HoTD Finale So Much Better
Louise Everitt
You Had One Job: A Book Quote That Could've Made HoTD Finale So Much Better
Adapting a book can be tough, but sometimes things just beg to be transferred from pages to screens. Unfortunately, the transfer itself does not always happen.
Fans Fear House of the Dragon Season 2 Might Ruin Daemon
Louise Everitt
Fans Fear House of the Dragon Season 2 Might Ruin Daemon
The first hints can already be seen in the season 1 finale.
Fans Pick Best-Looking Dragon in HoTD, And It Might Be Your Favorite
Tatiana Santos
Fans Pick Best-Looking Dragon in HoTD, And It Might Be Your Favorite
Now that the first season is out, the time has come for the most pressing issue.
Sending Lucerys to Borros Baratheon Was Rhaenyra's Dumbest Decision in HoTD Finale
Louise Everitt
Sending Lucerys to Borros Baratheon Was Rhaenyra's Dumbest Decision in HoTD Finale
If you think about it, there could have been a way to avoid the tragedy.
Rhaenyra Seems to Enter Her "Daenerys" Era; Should We Be Worried?
Louise Everitt
Rhaenyra Seems to Enter Her "Daenerys" Era; Should We Be Worried?
It was the point of no return for the Black Queen.