5 New Big-Franchise TV Shows to Keep an Eye Out for in 2024
We expect many brand-new TV shows in 2024, but these five caught our special attention due to being important for their already well-established franchises.
Marvel Shrinks to Just One Movie in 2024 Amid Recent Box Office Bombs
With the recent delays, the only Marvel movie that’s currently scheduled for 2024 is Ryan Reynolds’s Deadpool 3 — and perhaps, that would somewhat help the MCU.
James Gunn's Superman: Legacy Becomes Controversial Years from Release
As new information about the Superman reboot resurfaces, fans can’t help but question James Gunn’s intentions for the future of the movie and its franchise.
Stay Brave and Bold: New Batman Movie Gets a Stellar Writer to Offset The Flash’s Director in Charge
We were genuinely worried about The Brave and the Bold after Andy Muschietti was chosen to direct it. Now, we at least have an Oscar-nominated writer join the team.
Henry Cavill Entered Childish Frenzy After Booking His Iconic Superman Gig
The Man of Steel star was so happy after receiving the fateful call from Zack Snyder that he couldn’t contain himself: he was ‘running up and down the stairs and roaring.’
Both MCU and DC Are Rebooting: What Does It Mean for the Franchises?
The two major superhero franchises are rebooting in the near future, but they have very different approaches and goals. What are Marvel and DC trying to achieve?
James Gunn Shutters Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn-Poison Ivy Romance Fantasy
For Margot Robbie, there’s only one way for Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy to end up: together. But James Gunn’s recent recast news put a big question mark on her request.
Newest Man of Steel Update Is Devastating for Justice League Fans
Amid recent DCU news, one cast update for Superman: Legacy threw many fans off-balance and had them wish James Gunn followed through with his promises for once.