Netflix's Dahmer Crew Member Reveals Horrible Experience on Set
Louise Everitt
Netflix's Dahmer Crew Member Reveals Horrible Experience on Set
It turns out that even the members of the creative team behind the show were impacted.
Netflix's Dahmer Just Gave Us the Most Heartbreaking Episode of 2022
Nancy A. Veysey
Netflix's Dahmer Just Gave Us the Most Heartbreaking Episode of 2022
There's no fixing it.
Remember That Wild Tom Cruise Oprah Interview? Here's What Really Happened
Jake Clark
Remember That Wild Tom Cruise Oprah Interview? Here's What Really Happened
Hollywood celebrities giving confusing, eccentric, and – at times – controversial interviews is not a new concept. But what Tom Cruise did in 2005 went down as one of the few most entertainingly bizarre celebrity interviews in television history. 
The Sad Truth Behind The Story of Tracy Edwards, Dahmer's Survivor
Louise Everitt
The Sad Truth Behind The Story of Tracy Edwards, Dahmer's Survivor
Here's what happened to Edwards, portrayed by Shaun J. Brown in Netflix's Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, after Dahmer's conviction.
10 Disturbing Shows Like Netflix's Dahmer to Watch Next
Nancy A. Veysey
10 Disturbing Shows Like Netflix's Dahmer to Watch Next
The controversy around tales of true crime is nothing new. We get it. There's nothing to celebrate about killers and their sadistic crimes. Even referring to those who enjoy the true crime genre as "fans" feels so dirty. 
How Historically Accurate is Netflix's Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story?
Nancy A. Veysey
How Historically Accurate is Netflix's Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story?
We acknowledge anything "based on actual events" must allow for a certain amount of artistic license for the sake of continuity and storytelling. 
The Most Unnerving Dahmer Scene Follows Real-Life Footage Frame to Frame
Louise Everitt
The Most Unnerving Dahmer Scene Follows Real-Life Footage Frame to Frame
It would seem that Netflix decided that life itself is the best screenwriter. But was it a smart decision?
Netflix's Dahmer Blasted By Victim's Family as "Retraumatizing"
Louise Everitt
Netflix's Dahmer Blasted By Victim's Family as "Retraumatizing"
For many people, serial killer media is just another way to spend a dull evening. However, there is more to that than just a chilling genre.
Jeffrey Dahmer TV Show Cast and Their Real-Life Counterparts
Louise Everitt
Jeffrey Dahmer TV Show Cast and Their Real-Life Counterparts
If you were terrified by the Netflix new series about Jeffrey Dahmer, wait until you delve into the real-life story.
Why Does Netflix's 'Dahmer' Have Everyone Worrying About Evan Peters?
Louise Everitt
Why Does Netflix's 'Dahmer' Have Everyone Worrying About Evan Peters?
Evan Peters portrays Jeffrey Dahmer in Netflix's new project about the infamous serial killer – and it's quite tough to watch.