The Dark Truth About Rings of Power's Harfoots Only Adults Will Notice
Dan Bentley
The Dark Truth About Rings of Power's Harfoots Only Adults Will Notice
Amazon's show The Rings of Power offers an entirely new perspective of Middle-Earth, set thousands of years before Bilbo or Frodo ever encountered the One Ring. 
Christopher Tolkien Despised Jackson's LoTR, and He Had a Pretty Good Reason
Dan Bentley
Christopher Tolkien Despised Jackson's LoTR, and He Had a Pretty Good Reason
Upon release The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) was an instant success. Receiving wide praise from both its audience and critics, it became one of the highest-grossing movies of all time; followed by its two sequels The Two Towers (2002) and Return of the King (2003). 
Galadriel Needs to be Taken Down a Peg in The Rings of Power Season 2
Dan Bentley
Galadriel Needs to be Taken Down a Peg in The Rings of Power Season 2
Now that the first season of The Rings of Power has come to an end, much of its audience is forming their overall conclusions on what the show has done very well, as well as the elements of the series that definitely need improving. 
The Lack of Stakes is Ensuring Rings of Power Won't Ever Be Good Enough
Tatiana Santos
The Lack of Stakes is Ensuring Rings of Power Won't Ever Be Good Enough
By now we can say with some confidence, that The Rings of Power fell far short of the expectations, and not only because the expectations were so enormous.
Sauron Cultists on Rings of Power Are Nothing More Than Bad Storytelling
Louise Everitt
Sauron Cultists on Rings of Power Are Nothing More Than Bad Storytelling
One look at the Internet would tell you, that there are plenty of reasons to criticize The Rings of Power for various storytelling problems. 
Harfoots Were the Creepiest Part of Rings of Power: "Uncomfortable Cult Vibes"
Aaren Gimenez
Harfoots Were the Creepiest Part of Rings of Power: "Uncomfortable Cult Vibes"
The harfoots in Rings of Power were supposed to be something between a comic relief and a bunch of 'normals', powerless people caught in struggles of lords, kings and wizards. 
The Rings of Power is a Prime Example of a Very Disturbing Trend
Tatiana Santos
The Rings of Power is a Prime Example of a Very Disturbing Trend
The finale of The Rings of Power Season 1 confirmed the prevalent fan theory of Halbrand, whose adventures with Galadriel we have watched for most of the season, being a form of Sauron, the big bad of the whole Middle-Earth's setting and the enemy whom Galadriel was trying to pursue for 8 episodes. 
The Rings of Power's Last Scene of the Final Season is Already Planned
Aaren Gimenez
The Rings of Power's Last Scene of the Final Season is Already Planned
Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is nothing if not ambitious.
The Rings of Power Scrapped Scene Became a LotR Easter Egg
Aaren Gimenez
The Rings of Power Scrapped Scene Became a LotR Easter Egg
There is no doubt that The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power owes a lot to Peter Jackson's LotR trilogy, and that includes even smaller details, like sound design.
Here's How Long We'll Have to Wait for The Rings of Power Season 2
Anastaсia White
Here's How Long We'll Have to Wait for The Rings of Power Season 2
While The Rings of Power first season finale aired on October 14, the work on season two has already begun. 
The Rings of Power Fandom Finds New Reason to Hate Galadriel
Aaren Gimenez
The Rings of Power Fandom Finds New Reason to Hate Galadriel
Portrayal of Galadriel in The Rings of Power is divisive among the fandom. 
Gen Z Doesn't Give a Shot About The Rings of Power
Tatiana Santos
Gen Z Doesn't Give a Shot About The Rings of Power
The audience is getting older.
The Rings of Power is Already Dethroned by Nolan's Latest
Aaren Gimenez
The Rings of Power is Already Dethroned by Nolan's Latest
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power spent only six weeks as the number one piece of content streaming on Amazon Prime Video. 
Even The Rings of Power Bosses Admit That Some Things "Didn't Work" In Season 1
Dan Bentley
Even The Rings of Power Bosses Admit That Some Things "Didn't Work" In Season 1
No matter how much pre-planning is done for a series with as much heightened anticipation as The Rings of Power, it will always take time for a show to find its footing. 
The Biggest Change The Rings of Power Made to LoTR Canon
Tatiana Santos
The Biggest Change The Rings of Power Made to LoTR Canon
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is not known for its care toward The Lord of the Rings book canon. 
This Subtle Moment in Rings of Power Finale Really Undermines Tolkien Lore
Louise Everitt
This Subtle Moment in Rings of Power Finale Really Undermines Tolkien Lore
Even after the season finale, debates on whether The Rings of Power do justice to the canon go on.
Creation of 3 Elven Rings Hardly Makes Sense, Reddit Claims
Louise Everitt
Creation of 3 Elven Rings Hardly Makes Sense, Reddit Claims
Wasn't it what Sauron always wanted?
The Very First Halbrand's Line Foreshadowed That Big Sauron Reveal
Tatiana Santos
The Very First Halbrand's Line Foreshadowed That Big Sauron Reveal
As everyone who watched The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, or at least skimmed online discussions, knows by now, our old friend Halbrand is actually Dark Lord Sauron under a guise of mortal man. 
The Rings of Power Season 2 Leak Details Epic Battle
Louise Everitt
The Rings of Power Season 2 Leak Details Epic Battle
LoTR's intense battle at Helm's Deep left pretty big shoes to fill.
Is Sauron Being In Love with Galadriel Actually Canon?
Tatiana Santos
Is Sauron Being In Love with Galadriel Actually Canon?
Non-twist of The Rings of Power Season 1's finale was Halbrand confirmed for being Sauron's current form the whole time. (The "non-" part is thanks to that being commonly predicted on Internet since Episode 1).