The Lord of the Rings Battle Scene That Almost Ruined the Trilogy
Aaren Gimenez
The Lord of the Rings Battle Scene That Almost Ruined the Trilogy
The headline may leave you somewhat puzzled. After all, Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy is famous for its spectacular battle scenes, which no fantasy movie since had managed to match, and few battles in historical movies rival. 
There's a Reason For The Rings of Power's Slow Pace
Louise Everitt
There's a Reason For The Rings of Power's Slow Pace
In fact, fans say, it's mainly due to the show actually trying to be canon-worthy.
The Rings of Power Finale Scene That Made Even the Writer Cry
Louise Everitt
The Rings of Power Finale Scene That Made Even the Writer Cry
On the Internet is not uncommon to see writers working on films and TV series as cynical hacks, whose primary concern is getting their paychecks in exchange for as little work, as possible. 
Rings of Power Character We All Seem to Have Forgotten Might Be Important in the Future
Louise Everitt
Rings of Power Character We All Seem to Have Forgotten Might Be Important in the Future
Does anyone even remember Galadriel's husband?
The Rings of Power Budget per Episode is Twice Stranger Things' One
Louise Everitt
The Rings of Power Budget per Episode is Twice Stranger Things' One
Remember how we used to be impressed by the dashing amount of money that Netflix spent on Stranger Things? 
The Stranger & Harfoot Reddit Theory Fans Wish Could Work
Louise Everitt
The Stranger & Harfoot Reddit Theory Fans Wish Could Work
There is The Rings of Power fan theory that could give answers to all questions you might have about the Harfoots and the Stranger. Unfortunately, there is a twist.
The Rings of Power's Best Line Got Nothing to Do With Sauron
Aaren Gimenez
The Rings of Power's Best Line Got Nothing to Do With Sauron
Dialogue in The Lords of the Rings: The Rings of Power is commonly criticized as overdramatic and trying to use high words to cover lack of meaning, but not everyone on the web agrees with that. 
Galadriel Is an Even Bigger Villain Than Sauron, If You Think About It
Louise Everitt
Galadriel Is an Even Bigger Villain Than Sauron, If You Think About It
The elven warrior is in fact the main protagonist in The Rings of Power, but everything that went wrong in the series is kind of her fault.
Will Sauron Be Recast in The Rings of Power Season 2?
Aaren Gimenez
Will Sauron Be Recast in The Rings of Power Season 2?
To the surprise of few, The Rings of Power Season 1's finale confirmed the prevalent fan theory that Charlie Vickers' "Halbrand" was actually Sauron in disguise. 
One Thing That Rings of Power Finale Did Not Bother to Explain
Louise Everitt
One Thing That Rings of Power Finale Did Not Bother to Explain
Remember the bizarre white-cloaked witch ladies? 
The Rings of Power Creators Ignore Haters, No Matter How Loud They Get
Louise Everitt
The Rings of Power Creators Ignore Haters, No Matter How Loud They Get
Season 1 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has come to its finale, and the audience is already waiting for season 2 wondering if all the criticism coming with season 1 is considered by the creators of the show when creating the next chapter.
Balrog Tease in Rings of Power Doesn't Make Any Sense
Louise Everitt
Balrog Tease in Rings of Power Doesn't Make Any Sense
It woke up... only to go back to sleep? 
There's a Bigger Story Behind That "Dirty" Larys & Alicent Scene
Louise Everitt
There's a Bigger Story Behind That "Dirty" Larys & Alicent Scene
A lot happened in the penultimate episode of the first season of House of the Dragon but there was one particular scene fans won't be able to forget for a while now.
House of the Dragon Fixes A Glaring Game of Thrones Plot Hole
Louise Everitt
House of the Dragon Fixes A Glaring Game of Thrones Plot Hole
House of the Dragons has a lot of issues to fix. It still has to explain how come Jon Snow, aka the last Targaryen standing, didn't sit on the Iron Throne, or why everything went so weird in the last season of the show.
The Wait for Rings of Power Season 2 Is Going to be Excruciatingly Long
Tatiana Santos
The Wait for Rings of Power Season 2 Is Going to be Excruciatingly Long
The Rings of Power fans hope that the production of the Amazon Prime show will pick up speed by season 5.
Why Didn't Galadriel Reveal Sauron's True Identity?
Louise Everitt
Why Didn't Galadriel Reveal Sauron's True Identity?
The biggest secret of The Rings of Power season 1 was still left to be a mystery for Galadriel's closest allies if you think about it.
Sorry, Kids: The Rings of Power is Not For Gen Z
Louise Everitt
Sorry, Kids: The Rings of Power is Not For Gen Z
Too cringe? Not their vibe? Not enough slaying? 
The Rings of Power Cringy Dialogues Don't Stand a Chance Against House of the Dragon
Louise Everitt
The Rings of Power Cringy Dialogues Don't Stand a Chance Against House of the Dragon
Reddit's viewers trash The Rings of Power for its "cringy" dialogues and poor writing, comparing the series to House of the Dragon.
Netflix Shading Rings of Power and House of the Dragon is Hilarious
Louise Everitt
Netflix Shading Rings of Power and House of the Dragon is Hilarious
Even in the history of modern entertainment, it is a rare occasion when two shows with extremely big budgets battle for the role of the ultimate winner of viewers' hearts. But it's even rarer that an outsider beats them both. 
With $58 Mil Budget per Episode, is The Rings of Power a Flop?
Aaren Gimenez
With $58 Mil Budget per Episode, is The Rings of Power a Flop?
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power wrapped its first season on October 14, mired in controversy you wouldn't expect from Amazon Prime Video's giant effort.