As a 90s kid, I got some strong (and rather conflicting) opinions about 'Star Wars', that I pour into writing occasionally. DM me on Twitter @AarenGimenez if you wanna grumble with me about Disney ruining 'Star Wars' as we speak.

Aaren Gimenez
10 Must-Watch 'Lone Wolf' Movies About Men Taking On The World
Ensemble movies are fun and all, but sometimes all a movie needs to be compelling is a great lone protagonist to grab your attention and make you care.
February 18, 2024 12:00 pm

Aaren Gimenez
18 Hidden Gems All the K-Drama Fans on Reddit Swear By
This list? It's where the real K-drama gold's at, according to Reddit.
February 18, 2024 8:00 am

Aaren Gimenez
20 Underrated Procedurals Fans on Reddit Actually Recommend
These procedural shows are the ones you might not hear about on big TV networks or trending on social media; still, despite all that, they've managed to win the hearts of fans who love a good detective story.
February 18, 2024 7:15 am

Aaren Gimenez
20 "Guilty Pleasure" Anime Reddit Fans Swear By
Anime isn't just about epic battles or fantasy worlds; sometimes, it's about those secret favorites we're a bit shy to admit we love, the ones that make us laugh, cringe, or even roll our eyes, but we keep watching them anyway.
February 18, 2024 7:10 am

Aaren Gimenez
20 Great Vampire Movies That Aren't Cringy Twilight-Like Romance
Here's the lineup of films where the stakes are high (pun intended), the action is gripping, and the vampires are anything but sparkly.
February 18, 2024 7:00 am

Aaren Gimenez
10 Overlooked Chris Evans Films That Aren't The Avengers, Ranked
It's hard to imagine that there was a time when Chris Evans wasn't considered one of Hollywood's most recognizable heartthrobs, as everyone began paying attention to his career the moment he joined the MCU as Captain America.
February 18, 2024 6:45 am

Aaren Gimenez
Slow-Burn Terror: 7 Forgotten Horrors That Creep Up on You
Since the introduction of slashers in the 1970's, the horror genre has become synonymous with jumpscares and gore, which really alienated a large portion of the audience who didn't want to be psychologically tortured while watching the movies.
February 18, 2024 6:30 am

Aaren Gimenez
18 Anime That Make Even The Most Hardcore Reddit Fans Cry
It's like these anime have a direct line to the heart, showing us the ups and downs of life in ways that words alone can't describe.
February 18, 2024 6:30 am

Aaren Gimenez
7 Underrated Elevated Horrors That Are Secretly Masterpieces
Less than a decade ago, the horror genre was in shambles, with fans hating on the once-beloved genre, describing it as trite, uninspired, and a little too reliant on cheap jump scares.
February 18, 2024 6:20 am

Aaren Gimenez
7 Reboots Nobody Needed That Went from Good to Great
All TV fans can agree on one thing - reboots suck! The major networks have managed to ruin so many beloved older shows in the last decade or two that the world of reboots has begun to feel like an insult.
February 18, 2024 6:10 am