Aaren Gimenez

As a 90s kid, I got some strong (and rather conflicting) opinions about 'Star Wars', that I pour into writing occasionally. DM me on Twitter @AarenGimenez if you wanna grumble with me about Disney ruining 'Star Wars' as we speak.

10 Underrated Fantasy Series to Fill That Game of Thrones Void
Aaren Gimenez
10 Underrated Fantasy Series to Fill That Game of Thrones Void
They're easy to get into, full of surprises, and might just end up being your next favorite show.
15 Overlooked 80s' Zombie Classics That Still Hold Up in 2024
Aaren Gimenez
15 Overlooked 80s' Zombie Classics That Still Hold Up in 2024
Think less about the big-budget blowouts and more about the underdogs; these movies made do with what they had, turning shoestring budgets into cult classics.
The Anti-Popcorn List: 10 Films for Those Who Think Outside the Box Office
Aaren Gimenez
The Anti-Popcorn List: 10 Films for Those Who Think Outside the Box Office
The movie industry is so huge that you can't possibly keep up with everything and you're bound to miss some of the works that otherwise would captivate you instantly.
Top 15 Cult Classics From the 80s That Still Hold Up in 2024
Aaren Gimenez
Top 15 Cult Classics From the 80s That Still Hold Up in 2024
Thinking that the 80s were almost half a century ago fills us with a little bit of dread. But thankfully, some of the movies that were produced back then aged quite well and feel as relevant today as they are now.
20 Must-Watch 80s Westerns That Still Hold Up in 2024
Aaren Gimenez
20 Must-Watch 80s Westerns That Still Hold Up in 2024
The 80s weren't exactly the golden era for Westerns, but dig a bit, and you'll find gems that still sparkle in 2024.
Top 6 MCU Cameos That Aren't Stan Lee (Yes, There Are Others)
Aaren Gimenez
Top 6 MCU Cameos That Aren't Stan Lee (Yes, There Are Others)
The sudden appearance of these people on the screen of the Marvel movie made the whole cinema holler. 
10 TV Shows That Should've Stopped Right at Season 1
Aaren Gimenez
10 TV Shows That Should've Stopped Right at Season 1
We've been cursed: the shows that we want to be renewed for another season never get the green light while the ones that were perfectly wrapped in the finale of season 1 suddenly get a continuation — and sometimes, this continuation has been just wrong.
Forget 'Blair Witch', These Are 20 Found Footage Horrors Worth Watching
Aaren Gimenez
Forget 'Blair Witch', These Are 20 Found Footage Horrors Worth Watching
There's a whole world of found footage horrors out there that'll have you checking under your bed for weeks.
Real Doctors Say These Are 11 Most Accurate Medical TV Dramas
Aaren Gimenez
Real Doctors Say These Are 11 Most Accurate Medical TV Dramas
It's always so satisfying when you, a professional in a certain field, watch a TV show or a movie with a character that shares your profession and see the intricacies of your job replicated very truthfully.
15 B-List Zombie Movies from the 80s That Became Unlikely Cult Classics
Aaren Gimenez
15 B-List Zombie Movies from the 80s That Became Unlikely Cult Classics
Here's to exploring the weird, the eerie, and the downright silly side of the zombie world.