Mathias Noris

Mathias is a news writer for Startefacts, a position he has enjoyed to the fullest since becoming a member of the team in March 2023.

For anything Star Wars related, he's your guy, as The Galaxy Far Far Away has been a huge part of his life since childhood, and Mathias' love for it has only grown since then (except for the sequel trilogy, don't even get him started on that).

Mathias also enjoys superhero movies, although he thinks their golden days are over, and has a soft spot for The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

As for his general taste in movies and TV shows, Mathias enjoys a wide variety of them, but sci-fi, thriller, and drama genres include most of his favorite titles, such as (but not limited to) Blade Runner & Blade Runner 2049, Alien, AMC's cult classic Breaking Bad, and Requiem for a Dream.

Another great passion in Mathias' life is video games, especially RPGs and story-driven games with well-developed worlds.

He especially enjoys covering topics related to both movies and games, and still dreams of seeing the world of The Elder Scrolls on the big screen one day, or a live-action adaptation of Dead Space.

5 'CGI' Movie Scenes That Were Actually 100% Real 
Mathias Noris
5 'CGI' Movie Scenes That Were Actually 100% Real 
While it may seem obvious that these five scenes were created with computer-generated effects, they were actually very real and achieved the old-fashioned way.
5 Canceled Sequels We're Glad Didn't Happen (It’s Weird They Were Even in the Works)
Mathias Noris
5 Canceled Sequels We're Glad Didn't Happen (It’s Weird They Were Even in the Works)
Not every movie needs a sequel, and although many of them are released anyway, these five thankfully did not.
5 Most Iconic David Tennant Performances You Can’t Miss
Mathias Noris
5 Most Iconic David Tennant Performances You Can’t Miss
The actor has appeared in many projects over the years, but it is in television that he shines the brightest.
Venom's Original Demise In Spider-Man 3 Was Pure Nightmare Fuel
Mathias Noris
Louise Everitt
Venom's Original Demise In Spider-Man 3 Was Pure Nightmare Fuel
While the villain's design and story proved to be underwhelming, at least Venom could have had a memorable finale if it hadn't been changed.
Gary Oldman Reveals His Biggest Mistake in Harry Potter Films
Mathias Noris
Louise Everitt
Gary Oldman Reveals His Biggest Mistake in Harry Potter Films
The actor thinks his performance was pretty underwhelming and wishes he had read the books first.
Star Wars’ Most Powerful Weapon Has a Tragic Secret
Mathias Noris
Louise Everitt
Star Wars’ Most Powerful Weapon Has a Tragic Secret
While it may look like Starkiller Base came out of nowhere, the planet actually has a rich history behind it.
10 Movies That Were Canceled… Only to Become Iconic
Mathias Noris
Louise Everitt
10 Movies That Were Canceled… Only to Become Iconic
Sometimes a cancellation of the movie can only make it truly legendary, with fans still wondering how great it could have been many years since.
5 Iconic Scenes That Would Have Been Moved To The Post-Credits Today
Mathias Noris
Louise Everitt
5 Iconic Scenes That Would Have Been Moved To The Post-Credits Today
Before the MCU made post-credits scenes a common occurrence, some of the juiciest teases for sequels were common parts of movie finales.
A Single Change Could've Fixed Palpatine's Return In Star Wars Episode IX
Mathias Noris
Louise Everitt
A Single Change Could've Fixed Palpatine's Return In Star Wars Episode IX
Instead of happening off-screen, the resurrection ritual should have been at the heart of the movie's story.
Reacher S2's The Wire Reference May Hint At Future Twist
Mathias Noris
Louise Everitt
Reacher S2's The Wire Reference May Hint At Future Twist
Fans noticed a scene almost identical to the one from the iconic show in the Reacher series, which may be a clue to upcoming events.