The One Thing Matt Smith Hopes to See Changed in HotD – and It's Not Deaths
Aaren Gimenez
The One Thing Matt Smith Hopes to See Changed in HotD – and It's Not Deaths
While Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are perhaps best known for featuring of a lot of brutal deaths, there is another thing that the both shows are infamous for having in abundance.
One GoT Death Was So Gruesome, The Producers Chickened Out from Airing It
Aaren Gimenez
One GoT Death Was So Gruesome, The Producers Chickened Out from Airing It
Game of Thrones was full of grisly deaths, shown on the screen in full detail.
HotD's Worst Death Yet Was a Result of a Tragic Misunderstanding
Aaren Gimenez
HotD's Worst Death Yet Was a Result of a Tragic Misunderstanding
One criticism frequently aimed at House of the Dragon is the show's tendency to tone down its characters, portraying them as victims of circumstances, where in George Martin's literary source their actions were driven by ambition or even downright spite.
Filmed but Never-Aired Game of Thrones Prequel Exists, Here's What We Know
Louise Everitt
Filmed but Never-Aired Game of Thrones Prequel Exists, Here's What We Know
Game of Thrones, controversies about its finale nonwithstanding, proved to be a tremendously popular show, so continuation of the franchise in some form was practically inevitable. 
HBO Dodged a Bullet By Avoiding Ill-Conceived Aegon's GoT Spinoff
Aaren Gimenez
HBO Dodged a Bullet By Avoiding Ill-Conceived Aegon's GoT Spinoff
Despite all the fan complaints about its later seasons, and particularly its finale, Game of Thrones was a ratings giant from beginning to end. 
Criston Cole's Death Could Be One of the Blacks' Greatest Triumphs on House of the Dragon
Aaren Gimenez
Criston Cole's Death Could Be One of the Blacks' Greatest Triumphs on House of the Dragon
...But, in fact, it won't be. 
Move Aside, Red Wedding: This Death Sets Up HotD's Most Horrifying Scene
Aaren Gimenez
Move Aside, Red Wedding: This Death Sets Up HotD's Most Horrifying Scene
And you thought Red Wedding was bad enough…
Game of Thrones Should Thank Fans For Its Most Iconic Casting
Aaren Gimenez
Game of Thrones Should Thank Fans For Its Most Iconic Casting
GoT's fandom is iconic.
One HotD Character Could End Dance of the Dragons Before It Even Started
Lee Jevon
One HotD Character Could End Dance of the Dragons Before It Even Started
The Dance of the Dragons is a somewhat odd name for what was, in reality, a brutal and bloody civil war lasting two years. 
One Thing Producers Didn't Let Emilia Clarke Keep After Game of Thrones Ended
Aaren Gimenez
One Thing Producers Didn't Let Emilia Clarke Keep After Game of Thrones Ended
Well, they hardly let the actors to keep anything at all. 
HotD Has a Chance to Deliver Coolest Moment in TV History – Or Ruin It Entirely
Aaren Gimenez
HotD Has a Chance to Deliver Coolest Moment in TV History – Or Ruin It Entirely
What moment, you ask? The one that George Martin himself most looks forward to see, according to his response to a fan question: "Well yeah… the Battle Above the Gods Eye."
House of the Dragon Creator Explains Why Dragons in Other Shows Suck
Aaren Gimenez
House of the Dragon Creator Explains Why Dragons in Other Shows Suck
Dragons always were a major part of both Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Even when budget limitations meant that their screentime was limited, their mere existence shaped the plot. 
Game of Thrones Showrunners Had To Beg HBO To Do This Epic Battle
Aaren Gimenez
Game of Thrones Showrunners Had To Beg HBO To Do This Epic Battle
Game of Thrones was, at one point, considered to be the pinnacle of fantasy shows in terms of its special effects, costumes, sets and overall spectacle. But that point was not reached at once. 
We May Not Be Living in Westeros, but Jon Snow's Quote is Still Relevant for Modern Life
Aaren Gimenez
We May Not Be Living in Westeros, but Jon Snow's Quote is Still Relevant for Modern Life
Throughout its eight-season run, Game of Thrones provided a plenty of memorable quotes, some inherited from George Martin's books, which were its source material, some invented by the show's scriptwriters. 
GoT Star Wishes He (and Everyone Else) Could Forget This Infamous Line
Aaren Gimenez
GoT Star Wishes He (and Everyone Else) Could Forget This Infamous Line
Probably the most famous fact about Jon Snow (played by Kit Harington), referenced in countless articles, related to him, is that he knows nothing.
Stephen King Reveals the Only Regret of His Career, And It's Not a Movie
Aaren Gimenez
Stephen King Reveals the Only Regret of His Career, And It's Not a Movie
Stephen King has one of the most illustrious careers imaginable for a writer. 
George R.R. Martin's Favorite Fantasy Movie is Old, But Still Gold
Thomas Pritchard
George R.R. Martin's Favorite Fantasy Movie is Old, But Still Gold
For most fantasy fans it is George Martin's Game of Thrones which tops a list of their favorite fantasy movies. But what about the author? 
At Least One Game of Thrones Star Thought Big Finale Twist Was a Joke
Aaren Gimenez
At Least One Game of Thrones Star Thought Big Finale Twist Was a Joke
Which one of the big finale twists, you may ask? Well, Bran Stark becoming the King of Seven (now Six) Kingdoms.  
Five Last-Minute Changes That Actually Improved Game of Thrones
Aaren Gimenez
Five Last-Minute Changes That Actually Improved Game of Thrones
While Game of Thrones ended up as a giga-hit, it received quite a bit of criticism for its deviations from George Martin's novel series, serving as its literary source. 
House of the Dragon's Aegon Actor Teases 'Meaty' Season 2
Aaren Gimenez
House of the Dragon's Aegon Actor Teases 'Meaty' Season 2
While the first season of House of the Dragon was no doubt a hit, there were a few complaints about it, and among the more common ones was the complaint that just not enough things happened throughout the season, that it was one extended setup for the real plot.