House of the Dragon Fandom Has a Serious Double Standards Problem
Lee Jevon
House of the Dragon Fandom Has a Serious Double Standards Problem
House of the Dragon fans are pretty vocal and opinionated when it comes to the show. But it does sometimes appear as though there is an element of double standards when it comes to how certain characters are viewed according to their actions.
Golden Globes Continue to Ignore the Phenomenon of Westeros
Lee Jevon
Golden Globes Continue to Ignore the Phenomenon of Westeros
The Golden Globes never really got on board with the success, popularity, and downright great acting in Game of Thrones. In many ways, it's hard to believe that in eight seasons, the show received only one Golden Globe – when Peter Dinklage won for Best Supporting Actor in 2012. 
Viserys' Dying Days Put Paddy Considine's Health in Jeopardy: "I Actually Felt Like I Was Dying"
Aaren Gimenez
Viserys' Dying Days Put Paddy Considine's Health in Jeopardy: "I Actually Felt Like I Was Dying"
Looks like playing Viserys was more than just a role for Paddy Considine - it was a life-threatening challenge.
Think Lucerys' Death Was Bad? Joffrey Got It Way Worse In The End
Aaren Gimenez
Think Lucerys' Death Was Bad? Joffrey Got It Way Worse In The End
In the world of Fire and Blood, being a lesser character doesn't necessarily mean a worse fate.
Taylor Swift Finally Reveals Her True Game of Thrones Allegiance
Aaren Gimenez
Taylor Swift Finally Reveals Her True Game of Thrones Allegiance
Even Taylor Swift knows that Arya Stark is the real MVP of Game of Thrones.
House of the Dragon Scene That Still Haunts Paddy Considine
Aaren Gimenez
House of the Dragon Scene That Still Haunts Paddy Considine
Paddy Considine received widespread acclaim for his portrayal of King Viserys I Targaryen on House of the Dragon, with fans, critics and even George Martin himself expressing their admiration for his performance. 
The Most Epic Fail of Westeros: The Worst Decision in Game of Thrones
Aaren Gimenez
The Most Epic Fail of Westeros: The Worst Decision in Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones is remembered for many things, including portrayal of its characters as flawed people, capable of mistakes. 
Game of Thrones: Which Dragon Becomes a White Walker?
Aaren Gimenez
Game of Thrones: Which Dragon Becomes a White Walker?
A major element of House of the Dragon's plot is the prophecy of Aegon the Conqueror, or Aegon's Dream, which in large part motivates actions of King Viserys Targaryen and motivates Queen Rhaenyra as well. 
House of the Dragon: Who Will Slay Rhaenyra Targaryen?
Aaren Gimenez
House of the Dragon: Who Will Slay Rhaenyra Targaryen?
When it comes to House of the Dragon, as with Game of Thrones before, saying that a character gets killed at one point is hardly a spoiler – it is more common than surviving to the end. 
Can Helaena Targaryen Really See the Future in House of the Dragon?
Aaren Gimenez
Can Helaena Targaryen Really See the Future in House of the Dragon?
The Targaryen family, being Old Valyrian nobility survivors, had always possessed a number of strange powers that separate them from normal men. 
This HotD Character's Tragic Ending is Reminiscent of a Bad GoT Trope
Aaren Gimenez
This HotD Character's Tragic Ending is Reminiscent of a Bad GoT Trope
House of the Dragon episode 5 ended with the death of Joffrey Lonmouth, reminiscent of certain types of narrative failure, which occurred in Game of Thrones. 
The Only Happy Character Ending in HotD Already Happened, the Rest Won't Be As Lucky
Aaren Gimenez
The Only Happy Character Ending in HotD Already Happened, the Rest Won't Be As Lucky
George Martin is well known for his love of inflicting misery upon his characters. 
Will Daemon Targaryen Get Greyscale in House of the Dragon Season 2?
Aaren Gimenez
Will Daemon Targaryen Get Greyscale in House of the Dragon Season 2?
In the world of Westeros, greyscale is a disease that resembles super leprosy. It is sometimes fatal, leaving the flesh stiff and dead, cracked like stone, and often resulting in hideous scarring. 
Is the Night King one of the Targaryens in Game of Thrones?
Aaren Gimenez
Is the Night King one of the Targaryens in Game of Thrones?
If there's one thing the Internet has no shortage of, it's outlandish fan theories. And one such theory that pops up from time to time is that the Night King of Game of Thrones is a Targaryen. 
One HotD Plot Hole That Needs To Be Fixed ASAP In Season 2
Aaren Gimenez
One HotD Plot Hole That Needs To Be Fixed ASAP In Season 2
HBO's House of the Dragon Season 1 was great, possibly the best show this year. But nothing is truly perfect, and it too had a few plot holes, which Season 2 hopefully is going to fix as soon as possible.
How Does Rhaenyra Targaryen Die in George RR Martin's Books?
Aaren Gimenez
How Does Rhaenyra Targaryen Die in George RR Martin's Books?
Rhaenyra fans, brace yourselves for spoilers.
Will White Walkers appear in House of the Dragon?
Aaren Gimenez
Will White Walkers appear in House of the Dragon?
Ah, the White Walkers. They were the biggest threat to everyone and everything in the Game of Thrones. 
Will the Starks Appear in House of the Dragon?
Aaren Gimenez
Will the Starks Appear in House of the Dragon?
Game of Thrones had a huge cast of characters, which it juggled with varying degrees of skill, but undoubtedly if you wanted to choose a protagonist group among them that would be Starks, the rulers of Winterfell in the North, and one of the most powerful Houses in Westeros.
Don't Get Attached: Here's How Many Dragons Survive Dance Of The Dragons
Aaren Gimenez
Don't Get Attached: Here's How Many Dragons Survive Dance Of The Dragons
House of the Dragon will tell us the story of the civil war that tore apart the Targaryen dynasty: the Dance of Dragons, with the first season being a build-up towards the conflict. So, naturally, it features quite a lot of dragons, and is going to feature even more. 
House of the Dragon Fixed George Martin's Least Favorite GoT Scene
Aaren Gimenez
House of the Dragon Fixed George Martin's Least Favorite GoT Scene
You're probably never going to guess what scene in the entire eight seasons of Game of Thrones was George Martin's least favorite.