Álvaro Villanueva

Álvaro Villanueva

With a passion for movies and TV shows, Álvaro brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team, particularly when it comes to action-adventure franchises.

He is an avid fan of popular franchises such as James Bond and the Fast and Furious series, and has an impressive collection of movie memorabilia to prove it.

Beyond his love of action movies, Álvaro is also a fan of animated TV shows, particularly those aimed at adults. From Rick and Morty to BoJack Horseman, Álvaro enjoys exploring the deeper themes and messages present in these shows, and isn't afraid to offer his honest opinions on their strengths and weaknesses.

Jamie Lee Curtis Won't Attend Oscars Dinner For Most Relatable Reason Ever
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Jamie Lee Curtis Won't Attend Oscars Dinner For Most Relatable Reason Ever
Everything Everywhere All At Once became an instant classic and a cultural phenomenon, with several Academy Awards nods quickly following.
Crush of the Day
Adam Sandler - Crush of the day
Adam Sandler From: Happy Gilmore 2
What are your thoughts on Adam Sandler reprising his iconic role in the Happy Gilmore sequel?
Hot (50%) Not (50%)
Netflix Clones Its Hit Spanish Show For Another Market And Fans Are Not Having It
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Netflix Clones Its Hit Spanish Show For Another Market And Fans Are Not Having It
The streaming service's cloning strategy has apparently missed a spot with a new series, as Netflix has copied its hit Spanish series Élite for India.
Pokémon New Generation Receives Lukewarm Welcome From Pikachu Fans
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Pokémon New Generation Receives Lukewarm Welcome From Pikachu Fans
All good things must come to an end… only for brand new things to begin. Are they just as good, though?
Stranger Things Spinoffs Face One Major Threat
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Stranger Things Spinoffs Face One Major Threat
Now that the fifth season of Stranger Things will be its last, the Duffer Brothers basically promised us spin-offs of the beloved series that will focus on totally different characters.
Miss 1899 And Dark? Their Creators Have Something Else Cooking Up For You
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Miss 1899 And Dark? Their Creators Have Something Else Cooking Up For You
If you are still reeling from unexpected and swift cancellation of 1899 at Netflix earlier, this news might cheer you up.
Adam Driver Explains Why He Signed Up For "Most Forgettable Movie Ever"
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Adam Driver Explains Why He Signed Up For "Most Forgettable Movie Ever"
Famous for his portrayal of Kylo Ren in the new Star Wars trilogy, Adam Driver has moved on to more dramatic roles in emotional movies, so his return to sci-fi genre in 65 came somewhat unexpected.
Marvel Robbed Us Of Perfect R-Rated Post-Credit Scene in Iron Man
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Marvel Robbed Us Of Perfect R-Rated Post-Credit Scene in Iron Man
There was a slightly different version of the famous Iron Man post-credit scene that Disney hasn't allowed anyone to see. Until now.
Could Red Dead Redemption Follow The Last Of Us To The Small Screen?
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Could Red Dead Redemption Follow The Last Of Us To The Small Screen?
Is a path taken by the hugely popular The Last Of Us HBO adaptation also suitable for other videogames to follow?
Star Trek Wouldn't Have Happened Without This Female TV Icon
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Star Trek Wouldn't Have Happened Without This Female TV Icon
To help commemorate the International Women's Day, we bring to your attention a story celebrating the real heroine behind the release of one of the most cult franchises out there, Star Trek, – Lucille Ball.
Did You Think Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman Is Forever Gone? Not So Fast
Álvaro Villanueva
Álvaro Villanueva
Did You Think Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman Is Forever Gone? Not So Fast
The official merchandising of the upcoming DC movie could have probably just revealed information on the future of Wonder Woman in DC Universe. Let's dig in.