Thomas Pritchard

I've been working as a journalist for the last 15 years, following media landscape inevitable change.

My career has shaped my outlook on life and that is why I am so passionate about journalism and its power to influence. The ability to shape and guide society and to respond to its most pressing issues is a privilege, and despite growing disillusionment with current media and traditional storytelling methods, I feel the spirit of journalism is as strong as ever.

The world is more connected than ever, and it is time for everybody to swallow their pride and admit we are going to have to do something different about the mess we have already made.

How Teen Wolf Stars Really Felt About the Movie Without Dylan O'Brien
Thomas Pritchard
How Teen Wolf Stars Really Felt About the Movie Without Dylan O'Brien
Dylan O'Brien being absent wasn't a surprise: after all, we all had known for months he wasn't coming back. Here's what Teen Wolf cast had to say about Stiles' not being in the revival movie in E! Insider interview. 
One Of The Biggest Teen Wolf Movie Mysteries Is Left Unexplained Completely
Thomas Pritchard
One Of The Biggest Teen Wolf Movie Mysteries Is Left Unexplained Completely
Of all the plot holes and inconsistencies in the now-released Teen Wolf movie this one feels like one of the most annoying.
Stiles Fans, Don't Hold Your Breath: He Is Not in Teen Wolf Movie After All
Thomas Pritchard
Stiles Fans, Don't Hold Your Breath: He Is Not in Teen Wolf Movie After All
Dylan O'Brien assured fans repeatedly that he's not in the Teen Wolf movie (he said that at least 3 times in 3 major interviews in 2022 alone), but against all hope fans were still hoping he'd actually showed up. So, the movie is finally out now and Stiles still not in it. Not a cameo, not even a flashback, nothing.
Teen Wolf Spoilers: Did The Movie Really Killed Off This Iconic Character?
Thomas Pritchard
Teen Wolf Spoilers: Did The Movie Really Killed Off This Iconic Character?
Oh no they didn't! Except, well, you know. They really did.
Surprising Cameos in Teen Wolf: The Movie Only True Fans Will Appreciate
Thomas Pritchard
Surprising Cameos in Teen Wolf: The Movie Only True Fans Will Appreciate
Are you ready for some major surprises in Teen Wolf: The Movie? Well, true fans of the show will certainly appreciate the amazing cameos that have been thrown into the mix.
HBO Max Pulls Plug on Titans and Doom Patrol, Current Season 4 Will Be Their Last
Thomas Pritchard
HBO Max Pulls Plug on Titans and Doom Patrol, Current Season 4 Will Be Their Last
Well DC fans, it's official: Titans and Doom Patrol are coming to an end. 
House of the Dragon Fans Pick Favorite Team Green Member, And The Result is Surprising
Thomas Pritchard
House of the Dragon Fans Pick Favorite Team Green Member, And The Result is Surprising
The two warring sides of Westeros comprise quite a few interesting characters, but somehow Team Green hasn't seen much love from audiences. 
How Different Would Twilight Be if Edward Couldn't Read Minds?
Thomas Pritchard
How Different Would Twilight Be if Edward Couldn't Read Minds?
Edward's supernatural abilities seem to have done a lot of good for him and Bella.
The Real Reason Why Stiles Isn't in Teen Wolf Movie
Thomas Pritchard
The Real Reason Why Stiles Isn't in Teen Wolf Movie
With just a few days left until the premiere, some Teen Wolf fans are still coming to terms that one of the fan-favorite characters won't be in the movie.
SVU Fans Ask Showrunners to Stop "Pushing" Olivia & Elliot Together
Thomas Pritchard
SVU Fans Ask Showrunners to Stop "Pushing" Olivia & Elliot Together
With Stabler returning to Law & Order, fans are worried that the writers will mess up his storyline.