Zoe Wallace

Zoe Wallace is Startefacts' news writer and your average passionate movie buff. Name any classic – she's seen it. But Zoe's main passion is The Lord of the Rings, which she has seen more than fifty times. Why fifty? After that number, she just quit counting.

Her first tentative steps into entertainment journalism were taken many years ago – Zoe started her own little blog where she would post all the endless facts that were stored in her head. Although it is now abandoned and practically dead, it helped her get to where she is now.

Her guilty pleasure is reading negative reviews about movies everyone loves, like The Godfather or Titanic, and making arguments to prove that these people are wrong. So don't argue with Zoe about her favorite movies – she already won this fight in her head many times.

Zoe grew up watching The Vampire Diaries, and when there's an argument about who's better, Stefan or Damon, she just appears out of nowhere to say three main words – Stelena is forever.

Ryan Gosling’s Upcoming Movie Already Broke a Surprising Guinness World Record
Zoe Wallace
Ryan Gosling’s Upcoming Movie Already Broke a Surprising Guinness World Record
The John Wick creator continues to reach new heights.
Internet Crush of the Day
Olivia Cooke From: House of the Dragon
Are we excited for season 3 already?
Hot (59%) Not (41%)
‘Such a Boring One’: Quentin Tarantino Hated The Best Indiana Jones Movie
Zoe Wallace
‘Such a Boring One’: Quentin Tarantino Hated The Best Indiana Jones Movie
And we strongly disagree.
10 Most Anticipated K-Dramas Coming to Netflix in 2024
Zoe Wallace
10 Most Anticipated K-Dramas Coming to Netflix in 2024
It’s going to be a good year for k-drama fans.
King & Lovecraft Crossover Made This The Twilight Zone Episode an Iconic Horror Gem
Zoe Wallace
King & Lovecraft Crossover Made This The Twilight Zone Episode an Iconic Horror Gem
An episode based on the works of two of the most prominent horror writers of the last two centuries? Yes please!
10 Most Heartbreaking K-Dramas With No Happily Ever After
Zoe Wallace
10 Most Heartbreaking K-Dramas With No Happily Ever After
It should not always be fun and games, right?
Criminal Minds And 9 More K-Dramas That Are Remakes of Western Shows 
Zoe Wallace
Criminal Minds And 9 More K-Dramas That Are Remakes of Western Shows 
Koreans not only create their own exciting shows, they also remake the biggest Western hits.
Hulu Just Quietly Added a Perfect War Movie With 92% on Rotten Tomatoes
Zoe Wallace
Hulu Just Quietly Added a Perfect War Movie With 92% on Rotten Tomatoes
If you need a perfect war movie, look for a perfect director.
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind’s Original Ending Would Have Buried the Movie
Zoe Wallace
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind’s Original Ending Would Have Buried the Movie
The movie praises love and ends on a promising note, but the initial idea for the finale would kill the whole concept.
Scariest Horror Movie Ever Just Blew Up Hulu Top 3
Zoe Wallace
Scariest Horror Movie Ever Just Blew Up Hulu Top 3
Missed a truly terrifying horror movie? There’s one on Hulu.
10 Best Lovecraft Adaptations Every Horror Fan Must Watch, Ranked by IMDb
Zoe Wallace
10 Best Lovecraft Adaptations Every Horror Fan Must Watch, Ranked by IMDb
Adapting Lovecraft is a tough job, but these movies did their best.