Movie news - Page 677

Dean Black
Daniel Radcliffe Always Knew Harry Potter Would Follow the Steps of Sherlock Holmes
What does the original Harry Potter think about the upcoming TV series reboot? Apparently, quite a lot — and he envisions an even greater future for the franchise.
June 25, 2023 5:00 pm
Internet Crush of the Day

Mathias Noris
5 Long Overdue Sequels That Were Totally Worth The Wait
Most late sequels end up being underwhelming, but in rare cases they turn out to be absolute gems and worthy successors to the originals.
June 25, 2023 4:45 pm

Louise Everitt
10 Underrated Comedies That Will Make You Snort-Laugh
Not everyone can be Adam Sandler, baby. But then again, not everyone tries.
June 25, 2023 4:15 pm

Louise Everitt
12 Movie Endings That Were More Confusing Than Intriguing
Just how many of these left you scratching your head and muttering, "What in the world did I just watch"?
June 25, 2023 3:44 pm

Sarah Flores
TV and Movie Queer Characters Hollywood Did Incredibly Dirty
They missed the potential to give LGBTQ+ characters the shine they deserve.
June 25, 2023 3:30 pm

Louise Everitt
20 Classic Movies You Won't Believe Are Over Three Decades Old Now
Okay, seriously: just how awesome were early 90s?
June 25, 2023 3:13 pm

Sarah Flores
5 Times When Women Were Grossly Underpaid On The Set Compared To Their Male Co-Stars
The average woman has to work an extra month and a half to make the same money as a man in the same position, and Hollywood is no exception.
June 25, 2023 3:00 pm

Alex Nguyen
3 Korean Thrillers to Send Shivers Down Your Spine (Even More Than Parasite Did)
The Korean film industry is considered one of the best in the world.
June 25, 2023 2:45 pm

Louise Everitt
12 Disaster Films That Prove Humans Are Their Own Worst Enemy
Do you really need another reminder just how spectacularly talented humans are at creating their own messes, though?
June 25, 2023 2:42 pm

Dean Black
Harry Potter Movies Never Did Justice to Their MVP Character (And Reboot Won't Fix That)
Many fans hope that the new Harry Potter series will fix some of the mistakes of the original movies — but this one is impossible to fix, and it’s an actual tragedy.
June 25, 2023 2:30 pm