Henry Cavill’s Sherlock in Enola Holmes Is More Canonical Than You Thought
Dean Black
Henry Cavill’s Sherlock in Enola Holmes Is More Canonical Than You Thought
Cavill’s Sherlock Holmes is usually considered rather unorthodox due to his warmness, but his interpretation still brilliantly captures the essence of the character.
The Flash’s Creators Had 3 Endings to Choose from, and They Chose Wrong
Dean Black
The Flash’s Creators Had 3 Endings to Choose from, and They Chose Wrong
What if The Flash had a chance to do something right and instead chose the option that pissed people off? Surely, this wouldn’t have ever happened with this movie?..
The Witcher S3 Vol. 1 Episode Titles Revealed, Here's What They Mean
Dean Black
The Witcher S3 Vol. 1 Episode Titles Revealed, Here's What They Mean
Amid excitement for the new season, The Witcher's officially dropped the names of its first five episodes and enticed the fans to guess what would happen in them.
5 Reasons Why The Witcher S3 Is Already Doomed
Zoe Wallace
5 Reasons Why The Witcher S3 Is Already Doomed
A trailer has recently been released and we can already draw some conclusions about how the third season will turn out.
5 Best Henry Cavill's Roles Ever, Ranked (No Superman or Witcher)
Dean Black
5 Best Henry Cavill's Roles Ever, Ranked (No Superman or Witcher)
The general public knows Cavill for two roles of his: Superman and Geralt or Rivia. It's about time we fix it: here are the actor's top-5 other roles!
New Superman Will Have a Totally Unique Aesthetic to Him, James Gunn Promises
Dean Black
New Superman Will Have a Totally Unique Aesthetic to Him, James Gunn Promises
James Gunn has the world's most famous superhero to toy around with, and the director wants no half-measures: Gunn aims at completely reimagining Superman.
Henry Cavill Gets Main Role in a Brand-New Spy Thriller Franchise
Dean Black
Henry Cavill Gets Main Role in a Brand-New Spy Thriller Franchise
We were not the only ones who saw Henry Cavill as the new James Bond: in the upcoming movie franchise from Apple, the actor will become a superspy… Again!
The Flash's Supergirl Had No Clue She Was Auditioning for Superman's Cousin
Dean Black
The Flash's Supergirl Had No Clue She Was Auditioning for Superman's Cousin
Sasha Calle thought she was being tested for a new “Atomic Blonde” of sorts, and receiving an invitation to join The Flash instead was a massive shock for the actress.
The Witcher S3 Will Once Again Divert from the Books but… In a Good Way?
Dean Black
The Witcher S3 Will Once Again Divert from the Books but… In a Good Way?
Freya Allan just gave an update on The Witcher S3 and it doesn't sound that bad, honestly. But what is it with these guys and the timings for their statements?
The Flash Yeets Itself Under the Bus By Using Henry Cavill’s Superman in Promo Campaign
Dean Black
The Flash Yeets Itself Under the Bus By Using Henry Cavill’s Superman in Promo Campaign
DC thought they were being smart by using Superman to market The Flash… In reality, they just doomed themselves to two extra rounds of hot-boiled fan hate.
5 LOTR Characters We'd Kill to See Henry Cavill Play
Mathias Noris
5 LOTR Characters We'd Kill to See Henry Cavill Play
Considering how much of a Tolkien fan the actor is, many fans continue to imagine him as part of the Lord of the Rings universe.
5 Movies Critics Were Completely Wrong About
Virginia Singh
5 Movies Critics Were Completely Wrong About
Don't always believe what you read on Rotten Tomatoes.
These Are 3 Final Contestants to Replace Cavill's Superman in New DC Universe
Dean Black
These Are 3 Final Contestants to Replace Cavill's Superman in New DC Universe
With the DC reboot fast approaching, only three actors have made it to the final screen tests to put on Man of Steel's cape. And we know their names!
Cavill and Jackman Reveal Terrifying Truth Behind Perfect Shirtless Scenes in Superhero Movies
Dean Black
Cavill and Jackman Reveal Terrifying Truth Behind Perfect Shirtless Scenes in Superhero Movies
Have you ever looked at those sick shots of Superman's or Wolverine's amazing abs and suddenly feel jealous? Well, we're about to save you from this feeling for good.
Henry Cavill Could've Played A Completely Different DC Superhero
Virginia Singh
Henry Cavill Could've Played A Completely Different DC Superhero
We could've missed on perfect Superman.
$14.8B Franchise Boss Shatters The Rock's Dream of Becoming Next Bond: 'You Can't Be Dwayne Johnson'
Dean Black
$14.8B Franchise Boss Shatters The Rock's Dream of Becoming Next Bond: 'You Can't Be Dwayne Johnson'
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has been very vocal about his desire to become the new Agent 007 lately, but unfortunately, his dreams are not destined to come to life.
Even Before Its Release, Ezra Miller's The Flash Already Has Sequel Ready to Go
Dean Black
Even Before Its Release, Ezra Miller's The Flash Already Has Sequel Ready to Go
The first The Flash is yet to hit the theaters but we've learned that the studio already has a fully fledged-out script for the sequel. Is it already settled, then?
The Witcher's Casting Director Unfazed by Cavill's Exit, Found 'Almost All New Talent'
Dean Black
The Witcher's Casting Director Unfazed by Cavill's Exit, Found 'Almost All New Talent'
Despite the controversy surrounding the current state of The Witcher and the lead actor's exit, the casting director is happy to work with the "new talents" she found.
Supergirl Met Superman, Was Excited with Cavill's Praise: 'To Me, That Meant the World!'
Dean Black
Supergirl Met Superman, Was Excited with Cavill's Praise: 'To Me, That Meant the World!'
After The Flash finished filming, Sasha Calle got to meet with Henry Cavill who gave her his seal of approval and made the Supergirl actress incredibly happy.
Henry Cavill's Superman Actually Has a Cameo in The Flash but It's So Not Enough
Dean Black
Henry Cavill's Superman Actually Has a Cameo in The Flash but It's So Not Enough
The new The Flash promo confirms a Henry Cavill cameo in the movie, but the surge of excitement won't last long after you learn what sort of cameo that will be.