Are Rhaenyra's Kids Actually Bastards After All? Looks Like Yes
Louise Everitt
Are Rhaenyra's Kids Actually Bastards After All? Looks Like Yes
Let's just try to be fair here.
3 Reasons House of the Dragon Fans Root For Greens
Louise Everitt
3 Reasons House of the Dragon Fans Root For Greens
Yes, not everyone is a fan of the Blacks.
Everything Alicent Did Wrong in House of the Dragon E7
Louise Everitt
Everything Alicent Did Wrong in House of the Dragon E7
Because yes, there is a list.
House of the Dragon Episode 8 Promo Hints at Major Character Death
Louise Everitt
House of the Dragon Episode 8 Promo Hints at Major Character Death
But then again, what else is new?
Why is Everyone Suddenly Hating Vhagar on House of the Dragon?
Louise Everitt
Why is Everyone Suddenly Hating Vhagar on House of the Dragon?
Tired of everyone being enamoured with the dragons? Well, this one has already secured some haters.
The Cruelest Thing Rhaenyra Ever Did on House of the Dragon
Louise Everitt
The Cruelest Thing Rhaenyra Ever Did on House of the Dragon
Perhaps Rhaenyra and Daemon thought they were being benevolent, but if you look deeper into their plan for Laenor, there is an ugly side.
King Viserys is Everyone's Favorite After What He Did to Alicent in Episode 7
Louise Everitt
King Viserys is Everyone's Favorite After What He Did to Alicent in Episode 7
He's come a long way from the least admired character to some sort of the House of the Dragon icon.
Here's What Disease Viserys Battles on House of the Dragon
Dawn Coleman
Here's What Disease Viserys Battles on House of the Dragon
According to Paddy Considine, the terrible condition reflects the situation in which King found himself.
The Rings of Power Continues to Upset LoTR Fans
Dan Bentley
The Rings of Power Continues to Upset LoTR Fans
Before its release The Rings of Power became immediately controversial among fans of the much loved The Lord of the Rings franchise. Now that we're over halfway through the airing of its first season, it is still receiving harsh criticism from its audience. 
5 House of the Dragon Deaths that Hit Fans Hardest
Lee Jevon
5 House of the Dragon Deaths that Hit Fans Hardest
Death is one of the only certain things both in life and in House of the Dragon. And there is no telling how quickly (or brutally) life will end for anyone in Westeros. 
10 Important Details You Likely Missed In House Of The Dragon
Jake Clark
10 Important Details You Likely Missed In House Of The Dragon
Low ratings in its final season can't keep the Game of Thrones franchise down. The groundbreaking series has a new face: HBO's House of the Dragon, set 175 years before the events of its predecessor. 
Rhaenyra and Alicent Could Be More Than Friends, According to Emily Carey
Louise Everitt
Rhaenyra and Alicent Could Be More Than Friends, According to Emily Carey
If you've been shipping these two since the very first episode, you have an ally in the cast!
Did Helaena Just Foreshadow Her Brothers' Fate in HoTD Episode 6?
Louise Everitt
Did Helaena Just Foreshadow Her Brothers' Fate in HoTD Episode 6?
What might seem as a kid's gibberish to some might actually be a prophecy.
Why is Alicent Mad at Rhaenyra? Here's What Emily Carey Thinks
Louise Everitt
Why is Alicent Mad at Rhaenyra? Here's What Emily Carey Thinks
The reason for the Targaryen civil war is pretty mundane, in fact.
Emma D'Arcy on Daemon "Grooming" Rhaenyra: "It's a Mess"
Louise Everitt
Emma D'Arcy on Daemon "Grooming" Rhaenyra: "It's a Mess"
It looks like the actor behind the older version of Rhaenyra Targaryen is not exactly a fan of the Daemon-Rhaenyra chemistry.
Whose Fault Was Dance of the Dragons? Fans Blame Alicent
Louise Everitt
Whose Fault Was Dance of the Dragons? Fans Blame Alicent
Targaryen civil war has sent the House of the Dragon centuries back, but many people believe it could have easily been avoided if it wasn't for one particular person.
Is Ser Harwin Strong the Father of Rhaenyra's Sons?
Louise Everitt
Is Ser Harwin Strong the Father of Rhaenyra's Sons?
Uh-oh, bastard alert.
Every House of the Dragon Time Jump, Explained
Louise Everitt
Every House of the Dragon Time Jump, Explained
They are sometimes hard to track — and yes, we said "they", because there are more coming.
House of the Dragon Fans Fume At HBO Deleting Daemon Scenes From the Show
Louise Everitt
House of the Dragon Fans Fume At HBO Deleting Daemon Scenes From the Show
More people are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the HBO priorities when it comes to House of the Dragon storytelling.
People Compare House of the Dragon's Alicent to Cersei, But They Are Not The Same
Louise Everitt
People Compare House of the Dragon's Alicent to Cersei, But They Are Not The Same
Alicent does have a similar vibe, but the two are still very different, according to fans.