Sarah Flores

Sarah Flores, a dedicated News Writer at Startefacts, is very passionate about her work as it makes her feel like a modern-day Jane Austen character. Her personality is a curious blend of witty Elizabeth Bennet and gothic Edgar Allan Poe, and so are her tastes in movies.

When it comes to genres, Sarah is a cinematic chameleon. She can swing from 2000's rom-coms to the golden classics as she finds solace and a fair share of mental mayhem in the world of cinema. A movie doesn't even have to try hard – it can make her cry just by being itself.

Now, here's a fun fact about Sarah: she's been a horror fan since she was knee-high to a grasshopper. Her mom is to thank (or blame) for that as she used to play the IT movie to help her doze off as a kid.

No wonder Sarah can now predict every twist and turn of a horror movie as she is practically an Encyclopedia of Scares (thanks to her annual tradition of re-watching the entire Scream franchise).

But that's not all there is to her cinematic personality. When it comes to Quentin Tarantino's films, Sarah treats them like sacred scriptures — and no, it's not even an exaggeration. And even if there's a smidge of guilt involved, missing a Fast and Furious theatrical premiere is absolutely out of the question for her.

In Sarah's universe, movies aren't just a few hours of entertainment; they're like a rollercoaster ride through the wild landscape of human emotions, and she's here for every second of it.

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Sarah Flores
5 Beloved Sidekicks Begging For Their Own Solo Movies
They are too good to just be comic reliefs or main character's besties.
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Sarah Flores
Shamelessly Underrated Slashers That Are Lowkey Better Than Scream Franchise
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Sarah Flores
One Wednesday Actor Has a Pretty Unlikely Day Job, But It Makes So Much Sense
History is repeating itself once again. 
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Sarah Flores
5 TV Shows Perfect For Summertime Binge-Watching
Oh, to have those summer days spent curled up with your favorite TV show and a pile of food.
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Sarah Flores
5 Final Girls Who Don't Deserve The Title Since They're No Better Than Villains
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Which American Horror Story Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Sarah Flores
Which American Horror Story Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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5 Eerie Celebrity Memories That Are an Actual Nightmare Fuel
Sarah Flores
5 Eerie Celebrity Memories That Are an Actual Nightmare Fuel
Meeting the infamous serial killer and being hypnotized by him is not for the faint-hearted.
Weird Lips And Poor Hygiene: Hollywood’s Worst Kissers Revealed
Sarah Flores
Weird Lips And Poor Hygiene: Hollywood’s Worst Kissers Revealed
How did Brad Pitt and Robert Pattinson come to be on this list?
Worst Marvel Backstabbings, Ranked From Ouch to Even Loki Is Shocked
Sarah Flores
Worst Marvel Backstabbings, Ranked From Ouch to Even Loki Is Shocked
Betrayal tends to come from the people you least expect it from.
If Harry Potter Characters Could Be A Spell, Which One Would They Be?
Sarah Flores
If Harry Potter Characters Could Be A Spell, Which One Would They Be?
Let's do a little bit of Alohomora here.