Promising Stranger Things Season 5 Update: Is Max Still In the Game?
Ava Raxa
Promising Stranger Things Season 5 Update: Is Max Still In the Game?
Some photos from the set of the new season can lead us to positive conclusions concerning Max’s fate.
One Nickelodeon Star Was This Close To Freeing Robert Pattinson From Twilight Burden
Virginia Singh
One Nickelodeon Star Was This Close To Freeing Robert Pattinson From Twilight Burden
We’re sorry, Josh, you can’t have Bella, but you’ll always have Drake. 
Stranger Things' Jamie Campbell Bower May Secretly Regret Vecna Wasn't CGI 
Benjamin Patel
Stranger Things' Jamie Campbell Bower May Secretly Regret Vecna Wasn't CGI 
Seems like a bathroom is Vecna's worst enemy.
Stephenie Meyer's Dream Edward Can Play the Cullen Daddy in Twilight Reboot
Ava Raxa
Stephenie Meyer's Dream Edward Can Play the Cullen Daddy in Twilight Reboot
Now we can't imagine anyone else but Robert Pattinson in the iconic role, but believe it or not, he wasn't Stephenie Meyer's first choice!
This Period Drama TV Show Spent $7M Per Episode And Still Flopped
Virginia Singh
This Period Drama TV Show Spent $7M Per Episode And Still Flopped
Sometimes you just have to accept the defeat before spending another $70M on season 2.
5 Insane Facts Even the Most Hardcore Fans Didn't Know about Twilight
Ava Raxa
5 Insane Facts Even the Most Hardcore Fans Didn't Know about Twilight
With a new reboot in the works, we are experiencing a proper Twilight renaissance in the year 2023, and we are not complaining one bit about it.
Top-5 Actors to Become New Edward Cullen, Ranked
Dean Black
Top-5 Actors to Become New Edward Cullen, Ranked
Fans are seriously concerned about the new Twilight cast, especially the main roles. We researched the issue and now present you with the ultimate Edward Cullen actor shortlist — some actors were even approved by Stephenie Meyer herself!
Twilight Reunion Could Totally Happen in DCU (Sooner Than You Think)
Virginia Singh
Twilight Reunion Could Totally Happen in DCU (Sooner Than You Think)
Are you ready to see Edward Cullen and Caius share a screen again?
Dirty Joke That Stole Jamie Campbell Bower's Chance to Play Harry Potter
Zoe Wallace
Dirty Joke That Stole Jamie Campbell Bower's Chance to Play Harry Potter
Now, it is simply impossible to imagine anyone but Daniel Radcliffe playing a wizard with lightning struck across his forehead.
Jamie Campbell Bower Up For Becoming New DCU Villain
Virginia Singh
Jamie Campbell Bower Up For Becoming New DCU Villain
Let's see how the casting goes.
The Controversy Continues: Why Johnny Depp Was a Better Grindelwald
Dan Bentley
The Controversy Continues: Why Johnny Depp Was a Better Grindelwald
Johnny Depp's portrayal of Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts franchise was a controversial casting choice.
Stranger Things Cast Isn't as Tight-Knit as You Think, Finn Wolfhard Spills the Beans
Louise Maddison
Stranger Things Cast Isn't as Tight-Knit as You Think, Finn Wolfhard Spills the Beans
When Stranger Things first hit our screens in 2016, its young cast of pre-teens were thrown together in what was to become Netflix's most-watched original series.
7 Actors Who Worked Hard to Get a Role on Game of Thrones But Failed
Thomas Pritchard
7 Actors Who Worked Hard to Get a Role on Game of Thrones But Failed
As the Rolling Stones put it, you can't always get what you want and that also applies to famous actors trying to get much coveted roles. 
Joseph Quinn Might Have Just Spoiled Eddie's Return in Stranger Things
Louise Everitt
Joseph Quinn Might Have Just Spoiled Eddie's Return in Stranger Things
Uh-oh, did someone spill the beans?
Eddie Munson Might Still Be Alive, and This Stranger Things Theory Proves It
Louise Everitt
Eddie Munson Might Still Be Alive, and This Stranger Things Theory Proves It
Months after the premiere of Season 4, Stranger Things fans simply refuse to believe that their beloved character is dead.
Will Eddie Munson come back as a vampire in season 5?
Catherine Hunter
Will Eddie Munson come back as a vampire in season 5?
In the dramatic season finale of Stranger Things, Eddie Munson bravely steps up to join the Hawkins gang in the fight against Vecna, having spent most of the season in hiding after being blamed for the killing of cheerleader classmate Chrissy. Finally, Munson had stopped running and was ready to stand up for his friends and the town of Hawkins. 
Does Jamie Campbell Bower Have a Girlfriend?
Louise Everitt
Does Jamie Campbell Bower Have a Girlfriend?
From those who ship him with Joseph Quinn to those who dream of their own chance at meeting (and possibly charming) a celebrity, 'Stranger Things' fans are keen on learning more about the personal life of Jamie Campbell Bower – the actor behind the show's endgame villain.
Joseph Quinn & Jamie Campbell Bower Bromance Has Fans Going Crazy
Louise Everitt
Joseph Quinn & Jamie Campbell Bower Bromance Has Fans Going Crazy
Recent weeks have been very eventful for those who love two certain 'Stranger Things' cast members.
Here's Why People Are Talking About Jamie Campbell Bower in 'The Rings of Power'
Dan Bentley
Here's Why People Are Talking About Jamie Campbell Bower in 'The Rings of Power'
It's been a busy year for the actor so far. 
Jamie Campbell Bower Could Become Edward Cullen: Here's What Went Wrong
Louise Everitt
Jamie Campbell Bower Could Become Edward Cullen: Here's What Went Wrong
He still landed a vampire role, but, you know, a totally different kind of vampire.