10 Beloved TV Shows That Peaked in Season 1
Louise Everitt
10 Beloved TV Shows That Peaked in Season 1
Sure, we all love a good TV show, but there's nothing more heartbreaking than watching a once-beloved series trip over its own shoelaces after an awe-inspiring first season.
Facepalm Finale: 10 Worst TV Show Endings That Ruined Everything
Louise Everitt
Facepalm Finale: 10 Worst TV Show Endings That Ruined Everything
These series didn't just drop the ball; they punted it straight out of the stadium.
Flickering Out: 12 TV Series That Should Have Ended Sooner
Louise Everitt
Flickering Out: 12 TV Series That Should Have Ended Sooner
These are series that, like an awkward guest at a party, overstayed their welcome.
Better Off Canceled: 15 TV Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome
Louise Everitt
Better Off Canceled: 15 TV Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome
While all these shows started strong, they're perfect examples of the old saying, "quit while you're ahead."
8 Times Popular TV Shows Took a Weird Turn and Became Different Shows
Louise Everitt
8 Times Popular TV Shows Took a Weird Turn and Became Different Shows
Whether due to off-screen drama, departures, or creative decisions, these shows all took an unexpected turn that altered their fundamental dynamics.
10 TV Detectives Whose Methods Would Get Them Fired In Real Life
Louise Everitt
10 TV Detectives Whose Methods Would Get Them Fired In Real Life
These are the detectives we adore on screen but, let's be real, if they were our coworkers, we'd be reporting them to HR, like, yesterday.
12 TV Dads So Terrible, You'll Call Yours to Apologize
Louise Everitt
12 TV Dads So Terrible, You'll Call Yours to Apologize
These characters take the term "terrible" to a whole new level.
10 Characters That Were Surprisingly Killed Off In Popular TV Shows
Louise Everitt
10 Characters That Were Surprisingly Killed Off In Popular TV Shows
No one is safe in TV land.
12 TV Show Plot Twists That No One Saw Coming
Louise Everitt
12 TV Show Plot Twists That No One Saw Coming
(And no, we're not mentioning that "Game of Thrones" wedding).
10 TV Shows That Don't Quite Deserve Their Cult Status
Louise Everitt
10 TV Shows That Don't Quite Deserve Their Cult Status
Some TV shows achieve cult status and ride that wave into eternity, and we just have to sit back and ask, "Really?!"
12 Must-Watch TV Shows Based on Best-Selling Novels
Louise Everitt
12 Must-Watch TV Shows Based on Best-Selling Novels
Nope, no Game of Thrones here – that would be too obvious, right?
13 Suspenseful Cliffhangers from TV Shows that Left Us Hanging
Louise Everitt
13 Suspenseful Cliffhangers from TV Shows that Left Us Hanging
Thirteen truly sadistic cliffhangers that left us hanging, biting our nails, and yelling at our screens.
Top 5 Most Loved TV Villains, Ranked From Baddie To Menace To Society
Virginia Singh
Top 5 Most Loved TV Villains, Ranked From Baddie To Menace To Society
Antiheroes are as popular as ever, and here’s the list to prove it. 
10 TV Series Finales That Were so Bad, They Made the Entire Show Unwatchable
Louise Everitt
10 TV Series Finales That Were so Bad, They Made the Entire Show Unwatchable
Those finales made us feel like we've been betrayed by our most beloved shows.
Mads Mikkelsen Believes Hannibal Might Return Soon, But There’s A Catch 
Mathias Noris
Mads Mikkelsen Believes Hannibal Might Return Soon, But There’s A Catch 
The actor said that all that is needed to revive the Hannibal TV series is to find a new home for the show.   
10 TV Shows That Should Have Ended After Season 1 (and Spared Us the Pain)
Louise Everitt
10 TV Shows That Should Have Ended After Season 1 (and Spared Us the Pain)
Just a (not-so-friendly) reminder that, sometimes, less truly is more when it comes to storytelling.
3 TV Character Deaths That Caused Fans to Drop The Show Altogether
Benjamin Patel
3 TV Character Deaths That Caused Fans to Drop The Show Altogether
If you managed to keep watching these shows even after they killed off these characters, you're a legit hero.
5 Worst TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked
Dean Black
5 Worst TV Show Finales Ever, Ranked
Even the greatest series can struggle with putting together a satisfactory finale — but these five shows managed to straight-up ruin everything the fans had loved them for.
5 Directors Who Were Scandalously Fired Mid Filming
Zoe Wallace
5 Directors Who Were Scandalously Fired Mid Filming
Even directors can be fired.
10 Iconic TV Shows That Completely Botched The Finale
Sarah Flores
10 Iconic TV Shows That Completely Botched The Finale
The perception of the season finale is always a subjective thing.